ASTM E944-2008 838 Standard Guide for Application of Neutron Spectrum Adjustment Methods in Reactor Surveillance E706 (IIA)《反应堆监测时中子光谱调节法的应用的标准指南 E 706(IIA)》.pdf
《ASTM E944-2008 838 Standard Guide for Application of Neutron Spectrum Adjustment Methods in Reactor Surveillance E706 (IIA)《反应堆监测时中子光谱调节法的应用的标准指南 E 706(IIA)》.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《ASTM E944-2008 838 Standard Guide for Application of Neutron Spectrum Adjustment Methods in Reactor Surveillance E706 (IIA)《反应堆监测时中子光谱调节法的应用的标准指南 E 706(IIA)》.pdf(8页珍藏版)》请在麦多课文档分享上搜索。
1、Designation: E 944 08Standard Guide forApplication of Neutron Spectrum Adjustment Methods inReactor Surveillance, E 706 (IIA)1This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 944; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision
2、, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon () indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This guide covers the analysis and interpretation of thephysics dosimetry for Light Water Reactor (LWR)
3、surveillanceprograms. The main purpose is the application of adjustmentmethods to determine best estimates of neutron damage expo-sure parameters and their uncertainties.1.2 This guide is also applicable to irradiation damagestudies in research reactors.1.3 This standard does not purport to address
4、all of thesafety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is theresponsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-bility of regulatory limitations prior to use.2. Referenced Documents2.1 ASTM Standards:2E 170 Terminology
5、Relating to Radiation Measurementsand DosimetryE 262 Test Method for Determining Thermal Neutron Re-action and Fluence Rates by Radioactivation TechniquesE 263 Test Method for Measuring Fast-Neutron ReactionRates by Radioactivation of IronE 264 Test Method for Measuring Fast-Neutron ReactionRates by
6、 Radioactivation of NickelE 265 Test Method for Measuring Reaction Rates andFast-Neutron Fluences by Radioactivation of Sulfur-32E 266 Test Method for Measuring Fast-Neutron ReactionRates by Radioactivation of AluminumE 343 Test Method for Measuring Reaction Rates byAnaly-sis of Molybdenum-99 Radioa
7、ctivity From Fission Dosim-eters3E 393 Test Method for Measuring Reaction Rates byAnaly-sis of Barium-140 From Fission DosimetersE 481 Test Method for Measuring Neutron Fluence Ratesby Radioactivation of Cobalt and SilverE 482 Guide for Application of Neutron Transport Methodsfor Reactor Vessel Surv
8、eillance, E706 (IID)E 523 Test Method for Measuring Fast-Neutron ReactionRates by Radioactivation of CopperE 526 Test Method for Measuring Fast-Neutron ReactionRates by Radioactivation of TitaniumE 693 Practice for Characterizing Neutron Exposures inIron and Low Alloy Steels in Terms of Displacement
9、s PerAtom (DPA), E 706(ID)E 704 Test Method for Measuring Reaction Rates by Ra-dioactivation of Uranium-238E 705 Test Method for Measuring Reaction Rates by Ra-dioactivation of Neptunium-237E 706 Master Matrix for Light-Water Reactor PressureVessel Surveillance Standards, E 706(0)E 844 Guide for Sen
10、sor Set Design and Irradiation forReactor Surveillance, E 706(IIC)E 853 Practice for Analysis and Interpretation of Light-Water Reactor Surveillance Results, E706(IA)E 854 Test Method for Application and Analysis of SolidState Track Recorder (SSTR) Monitors for Reactor Sur-veillance, E706(IIIB)E 910
11、 Test Method for Application and Analysis of HeliumAccumulation Fluence Monitors for Reactor Vessel Sur-veillance, E706 (IIIC)E 1005 Test Method for Application and Analysis of Radio-metric Monitors for Reactor Vessel Surveillance, E706(IIIA)E 1018 Guide for Application of ASTM Evaluated CrossSectio
12、n Data File, Matrix E 706 (IIB)E 2005 Guide for Benchmark Testing of Reactor Dosimetryin Standard and Reference Neutron FieldsE 2006 Guide for Benchmark Testing of Light Water Reac-tor Calculations2.2 Nuclear Regulatory Commission Documents:41This guide is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee E1
13、0 on NuclearTechnology and Applications and is the direct responsibility of SubcommitteeE10.05 on Nuclear Radiation Metrology. A brief overview of Guide E 944 appearsin Master Matrix E 706 in 5.3.1(IIA).Current edition approved Nov. 1, 2008. Published January 2009. Originallyapproved in 1983. Last p
14、revious edition approved in 2002 as E 944 02.2For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website,, orcontact ASTM Customer Service at For Annual Book of ASTMStandards volume information, refer to the standards Document Summary page onthe ASTM website.3Withdrawn. The
15、last approved version of this historical standard is referencedon from Superintendents of Documents, U. S. Government PrintingOffice, Washington, DC 20402.1Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.NUREG/
16、CR-1861 PCA Experiments and Blind TestNUREG/CR-2222 Theory and Practice of General Adjust-ment and Model Fitting ProceduresNUREG/CR-3318 LWR Pressure Vessel Surveillance Do-simetry Improvement Program: PCA Experiments, BlindTest, and Physics-Dosimetry Support for the PSF Experi-mentNUREG/CR-3319 LWR
17、 Power Reactor SurveillancePhysics-Dosimetry Data Base CompendiumNUREG/CR-5049 Pressure Vessel Fluence Analysis andNeutron Dosimetry2.3 Electric Power Research Institute:5EPRI NP-2188 Development and Demonstration of an Ad-vanced Methodology for LWR Dosimetry Applications2.4 Government Document:4NBS
18、IR 853151 Compendium of Benchmark NeutronFields for Reactor Dosimetry3. Significance and Use3.1 Adjustment methods provide a means for combining theresults of neutron transport calculations with neutron dosimetrymeasurements (see Test Method E 1005 and NUREG/CR-5049) in order to obtain optimal estim
19、ates for neutron damageexposure parameters with assigned uncertainties. The inclusionof measurements reduces the uncertainties for these parametervalues and provides a test for the consistency between mea-surements and calculations and between different measure-ments (see 3.3.3). This does not, howe
20、ver, imply that thestandards for measurements and calculations of the input datacan be lowered; the results of any adjustment procedure can beonly as reliable as are the input data.3.2 Input Data and Definitions:3.2.1 The symbols introduced in this section will be usedthroughout the guide.3.2.2 Dosi
21、metry measurements are given as a set of reactionrates (or equivalent) denoted by the following symbols:ai, i 5 1,2, . (1)These data are, at present, obtained primarily from radio-metric dosimeters, but other types of sensors may be included(see 4.1).3.2.3 The neutron spectrum (see Terminology E 170
22、)atthedosimeter location, fluence or fluence rate F(E) as a functionof neutron energy E, is obtained by appropriate neutronicscalculations (neutron transport using the methods of discreteordinates or Monte Carlo, see Guide E 482). The results of thecalculation are customarily given in the form of k
23、groupfluences or fluence rates.Fj5*EjEj11F E!dE, j 5 1,2, . k (2)where:Ejand Ej+1are the lower and upper bounds for the j-th energygroup, respectively.3.2.4 The reaction cross sections of the dosimetry sensorsare obtained from an evaluated cross section file. The crosssection for the i-th reaction a
24、s a function of energy E will bedenoted by the following:siE!, i 5 1,2, . (3)Used in connection with the group fluences, Eq 2, are thecalculated group-averaged cross sections sij. These values aredefined through the following equation:sij5*EjEj11FE!siE!dE/Fj(4)i 5 1,2, . . n;j 5 1,2, . k3.2.5 Uncert
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