ASTM E1623-2004 Standard Test Method for Determination of Fire and Thermal Parameters of Materials Products and Systems Using an Intermediate Scale Calorimeter (ICAL)《使用中等规模量热计(ICA.pdf
《ASTM E1623-2004 Standard Test Method for Determination of Fire and Thermal Parameters of Materials Products and Systems Using an Intermediate Scale Calorimeter (ICAL)《使用中等规模量热计(ICA.pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《ASTM E1623-2004 Standard Test Method for Determination of Fire and Thermal Parameters of Materials Products and Systems Using an Intermediate Scale Calorimeter (ICAL)《使用中等规模量热计(ICA.pdf(22页珍藏版)》请在麦多课文档分享上搜索。
1、Designation: E 1623 04An American National StandardStandard Test Method forDetermination of Fire and Thermal Parameters of Materials,Products, and Systems Using an Intermediate ScaleCalorimeter (ICAL)1This standard is issued under the fixed designation E 1623; the number immediately following the de
2、signation indicates the year oforiginal adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. Asuperscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.1. Scope1.1 This fire-test-response sta
3、ndard assesses the response ofmaterials, products, and assemblies to controlled levels ofradiant heat exposure with or without an external ignitor.1.2 The fire-test-response characteristics determined by thistest method include the ignitability, heat release rates, massloss rates, visible smoke deve
4、lopment, and gas release ofmaterials, products, and assemblies under well ventilatedconditions.1.3 This test method is also suitable for determining manyof the parameters or values needed as input for computer firemodels. Examples of these values include effective heat ofcombustion, surface temperat
5、ure, ignition temperature, andemissivity.1.4 This test method is also intended to provide informationabout other fire parameters such as thermal conductivity,specific heat, radiative and convective heat transfer coeffi-cients, flame radiation factor, air entrainment rates, flametemperatures, minimum
6、 surface temperatures for upward anddownward flame spread, heat of gasification, nondimensionalheat of gasification (1)2and the F flame spread parameter (seeTest Method E 1321). While some studies have indicated thatthis test method is suitable for determining these fire param-eters, insufficient te
7、sting and research have been done to justifyinclusion of the corresponding testing and calculating proce-dures.1.5 The heat release rate is determined by the principle ofoxygen consumption calorimetry, via measurement of theoxygen consumption as determined by the oxygen concentra-tion and flow rate
8、in the exhaust product stream (exhaust duct).The procedure is specified in 11.1. Smoke development isquantified by measuring the obscuration of light by thecombustion product stream (exhaust duct).1.6 Specimens are exposed to a constant heating flux in therange of 0 to 50 kW/m2in a vertical orientat
9、ion. Hot wires areused to ignite the combustible vapors from the specimen duringthe ignition and heat release tests. The assessment of theparameters associated with flame spread requires the use of lineburners instead of hot wire ignitors.1.6.1 Heat release measurements at low heat flux levels (25 m
10、 in size.A2.2.7 A refrigerated column is the most successful ap-proach to cool and dry the gases. Provide a drain plug toremove the collected water from time to time. Alternativedevices are also acceptable.A2.2.8 If carbon dioxide is to be removed, use carbondioxide removal media, as indicated in Fi
11、g. 6.A2.3 Combustion Gas AnalysisA2.3.1 Oxygen ConcentrationUse an oxygen analyzer,meeting the specifications under, preferably of theparamagnetic type.A2.3.2 Carbon Monoxide and Dioxide ConcentrationAnalyzers found suitable are nondispersive infrared analyzers.See Guide E 800.A2.3.3 Other C
12、ombustion GasesUse Guide E 800 fordetails of suitable analyzers when the concentrations of othercombustion gases, such as water, total hydrocarbon, nitrogenoxide, hydrogen cyanide, or hydrogen chloride, are to bemeasured, for special purposes.A2.3.4 Time Shift Gas concentration measurements re-quire
13、 the use of appropriate time shifts in order to account forgas transit time within the sampling system.A2.4 Smoke ObscurationA2.4.1 White Light System:A2.4.1.1 One suitable light measuring system based onwhite light has the following components: a lamp, planoconvex lenses, an aperture, a photocell,
14、and an appropriatepower supply. Mount lenses, lamp, and photocell inside twohousings, located on the exhaust duct, diametrically oppositeeach other. It has been found that a system consisting solely ofa white light and a photocell, along the exhaust duct, acrossfrom each other and at an angle to the
15、 vertical, is satisfactoryin some cases.A2.4.1.2 Use a lamp of the incandescent filament type,which operates at a color temperature of 2900 6 100 K. Supplythe lamp with stabilized direct current, stable within 60.2 %(including temperature, short term and long term stability).Center the resultant lig
16、ht beam on the photocell.A2.4.1.3 Select the lens system such that the lens L2,according to Fig. 7, has a diameter, d, chosen with regard to thefocal length, f,ofL2so that d/f $ 0.04.A2.4.1.4 Place the aperture in the focus of lens L2accordingto Fig. 7.A2.4.1.5 Use a detector with a spectrally distr
17、ibuted re-sponse according to the CIE photopic curve and linear within5 % over an output range of at least 3.5 decades. Check thislinearity over the entire range of the instrument periodicallywith calibrated optical filters.A2.4.1.6 The system described as follows is an example ofa light measuring s
18、ystem that has been found to be satisfactory:(1) lensesPlano convex: diameter 40 mm, focal length 50mm; (2) lampOsram Halo Stars, 64410, 6 V, 10 W, orequivalent; (3) photocellUnited Detector Technology, PINFIG. A2.3 Cross Type Sampling ProbeFIG. A2.4 Cross Type Gas Sampling ProbeE1623041510 AP, or e
19、quivalent; and (4)voltage supply Gresham LionLtd, Model G 3 012, or equivalent.A2.4.1.7 Design a system that is easily purged against sootdeposits. The use of holes in the periphery of the two housingsis a means of achieving this objective.A2.4.2 Laser System An acceptable alternate system formeasur
20、ements of smoke obscuration uses a laser beam. An 0.5to 2.0 mW helium-neon laser beam is projected across theexhaust duct. Couple the two halves of the device rigidlytogether (see Fig. 8).A3. CONSIDERATIONS FOR HEAT RELEASE MEASUREMENTSA3.1 Measurement of Rate of Heat Release by OxygenConsumptionA3.
21、1.1 IntroductionIn 1917, Thornton (2) showed that fora large number of organic fuels, a more or less constant netamount of heat is released per unit of oxygen consumed forcomplete combustion. Huggett (3) obtained an average valuefor this constant of 12.1 MJ/kg of O2. It is appropriate to usethis val
22、ue for practical applications; it is accurate, with veryfew exceptions, to within 6 5%.A3.1.2 Thorntons rule indicates that it is sufficient tomeasure the oxygen consumed in a combustion system in orderto determine the net heat released. This is particularly usefulfor full-scale fire test applicatio
23、ns. For example, for compart-ment fires, the oxygen consumption technique is much moreaccurate and easier to implement than methods based onmeasuring all the terms in a heat balance of the compartment.A3.1.3 Perhaps the first application of the O2consumptionprinciple in fire research was by Parker (
24、10) using Test MethodE84tunnel test. Later, Sensenig applied it to an intermediatescale room test (7). During the late seventies and early eighties,the O2consumption technique was refined at the NationalInstitute for Standards and Technology (NIST, formerly Na-tional Bureau of Standards). A paper by
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