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    1、专业英语四级(听力)模拟试卷 196及答案与解析 SECTION B CONVERSATIONS In this section you will hear two conversations. At the end of each conversation , five questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause

    2、. During the pause, you should read the four choices of A, B, C and D, and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO. You have thirty seconds to preview the questions. 1 Why doesnt the man worry about the coming examination? ( A) He doesnt care much about the examination. ( B) He lea

    3、rns very hard during the whole course. ( C) He decides to stay up before the examination. ( D) He has reviewed the key points of the text. 2 How many times should the course materials be reviewed? ( A) 1. ( B) 2. ( C) 3. ( D) 4. 3 What are the two speakers mainly talking about? ( A) How to review th

    4、e text book before class. ( B) How to review the text before the exams. ( C) How to make good use of the notes in class. ( D) How to make good preparation for the exams. 4 What kind of people were questioned in the mans survey? ( A) People in the shopping mall. ( B) People of different ages. ( C) St

    5、udents in his residence hall. ( D) His friends at the same college. 5 What question form does the woman use to ask her respondents? ( A) Long detailed questions. ( B) Multiple-choice questions. ( C) True or false questions. ( D) General questions. 6 Whats the advantage of the mans survey in the woma

    6、ns opinion? ( A) A great number of respondents. ( B) Representative sample people. ( C) Meaningful questions. ( D) Detailed information. 7 Why, according to the man, does it take so long for the woman to write her survey? ( A) It requires too much effort to design the questionnaire forms. ( B) It is

    7、 difficult to design meaningful questions using multiple choices. ( C) It requires much time to think about the longer general questions. ( D) It requires much time to think about a lot of short specific questions. 8 How many American universities are exemplified by the man? ( A) 2. ( B) 3. ( C) 4.

    8、( D) 5. 9 After deciding which university to go to, the woman should supply all the following EXCEPT ( A) an application form. ( B) a copy of school records. ( C) letters of recommendation. ( D) a copy of TOEFL scores. 10 Which of the following statements is CORRECT? ( A) Foreign students are not al

    9、lowed to work any time in the United States. ( B) Foreign students are not allowed to work during their school year. ( C) Students can work in summer after getting permission. ( D) Students are banned to apply to several universities at the same time. 11 The anti-anxiety drugs are to help patients t

    10、o ( A) cure anxiety. ( B) sleep well. ( C) control anxiety. ( D) work efficiently. 12 Which of the following is the harmful effect that the drugs have on a person? ( A) They reduce a persons appetite to the minimum. ( B) They cant help a person deal with unexpected troubles. ( C) They fail to enable

    11、 a person to work and sleep. ( D) They make a person more vulnerable to diseases. 13 What is the speakers attitude towards anti-anxiety drugs? ( A) Prejudiced. ( B) Enthusiastic. ( C) Indifferent. ( D) Objective. 14 Whats the main reason for Americans to go to the movies? ( A) To enjoy a good story.

    12、 ( B) To see the actors and actresses. ( C) To experience an exciting life. ( D) To escape their everyday life. 15 How do people usually respond when they are watching movies? ( A) They feel that everything on the screen is familiar to them. ( B) They are touched by the life-stories of the actors an

    13、d actresses. ( C) They feel that they live in a more romantic and beautiful world. ( D) They become so concentrated that they forget their own problems. 16 Which of the following statements is INCORRECT? ( A) American movies are well made and the stories are interesting. ( B) The average person can

    14、do whatever they like in real life. ( C) The characters in the movies can do things they like. ( D) Good guys in the movies always win in the end. 17 Why did Northern European people come to settle down in the United States? ( A) They had lost their jobs as a result of the Industrial Revolution. ( B

    15、) They had been suffering from political and religious oppression. ( C) They wanted to flee from the widespread famine in Northern Europe. ( D) They wanted to make a fortune there by starting their own business. 18 What did the labor unions worry about? ( A) They might lose control of the new newcom

    16、ers. ( B) It might be difficult to get along with the newcomers. ( C) The working condition might deteriorate severely. ( D) Their members might lose their jobs to the newcomers. 19 What was the purpose of the immigration laws passed in the 1920s? ( A) To impose restrictions on further immigration.

    17、( B) To improve the working condition of the immigrants. ( C) To set a minimum wage level for the new immigrants. ( D) To put requirements on languages for the newcomers. 20 What do we know from the passage about Asian Immigrants? ( A) They were looked down upon by European immigrants. ( B) They had

    18、 a hard time seeking equal job opportunities. ( C) They worked very hard in order to earn a decent living. ( D) They strongly opposed the continued immigration. 21 Whats the purpose of the program in Mexico? ( A) To protect poor citizens from large health expenditure. ( B) To help those poor citizen

    19、s to treat the catastrophic illness. ( C) To provide improved medical facilities and medical care. ( D) To protect poor citizens from the harm of a catastrophic illness. 22 What will possibly happen if a poor person becomes sick, according to the news item? ( A) The patient may die for a lack of tre

    20、atment. ( B) The illness could lead to financial ruin. ( C) The illness can cause the ruin of population. ( D) The illness requires much money to be cured. 23 What caused the eight-hour traffic jams? ( A) Lack of customs officials. ( B) The road under construction. ( C) The traffic violation by drun

    21、k drivers. ( D) Lack of taxies. 24 Saudi traffic police issue around _ fines for parking violations every day. ( A) 90 ( B) 20 ( C) 70 ( D) 16 25 Why do those Somali pirates attack all sorts of vessels? ( A) They are interested in the cargo. ( B) They want the ransom money. ( C) Those vessels are ve

    22、ry expensive. ( D) They hate the crew in the vessels. 26 According to the news item, all the following countries have dispatched naval ships to combat piracy EXCEPT ( A) America. ( B) China. ( C) India. ( D) Indonesia. 27 Ukraine is a transit route for shipping Russian gas to ( A) Belgium. ( B) the

    23、EU. ( C) Crimea. ( D) Africa. 28 What made EU leaders to seek alternatives to Russian gas? ( A) Past supply disruption caused by pricing disputes. ( B) The Brussels summit next week. ( C) The referendum held in Crimea ( D) Strained relations between Russia over Ukraine. 29 What can be inferred from

    24、the news? ( A) Snowfall caused travel disruption and massive cancellations. ( B) England has given up struggling with the heaviest snowfall. ( C) Heavy snowfall in England troubled peoples everyday life. ( D) The unusual beautiful white snow is 15-centimeter deep. 30 According to the news item, we c

    25、an know that this is the worst snowstorm to hit England ( A) in 2 years. ( B) in 12 years. ( C) in 18 years. ( D) in 20 years. 专业英语四级(听力)模拟试卷 196答案与解析 SECTION B CONVERSATIONS In this section you will hear two conversations. At the end of each conversation , five questions will be asked about what wa

    26、s said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken ONCE ONLY. After each question there will be a ten-second pause. During the pause, you should read the four choices of A, B, C and D, and mark the best answer to each question on ANSWER SHEET TWO. You have thirty seconds to preview the q

    27、uestions. 1 【听力原文】 W: Oh, my God! I dont know how to deal with the coming exams. Michael, you always do quite well in the exams. Could you help me out? M: I cant say I do well in my exams. I only follow the rules of study. W: The rules? Could you explain in detail? M: Sure. I never wait until the la

    28、st minute before the exams. We must work hard during the whole course of our study. W: Right. I should avoid the last-minute rush. M: Anyone who waits until the last minute to learn the work of an entire course will be up against two problems. W: What are they? M: First, hes punishing himself for no

    29、t allowing himself enough time to digest basic materials; second, hes causing emotional anxiety and physical fatigue which will lower his performance. W: Thats right. M: All course materials should be reviewed at least once a week after being originally studied, again at a midway point, and then aga

    30、in in final review before the exams. W: In this way, students can avoid drinking black coffee for all night cram sessions. By the way, could you tell me how to review the entire text? M: OK First, dont read the entire text over again. Just read the outlines. Rereading of the basic works should be ke

    31、pt to minimum. W: I think my notes should be helpful. 1 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 面对女士的夸奖,男士说: “也不能说我考试考得特别好,只是我一直遵循学习的规律。 ”随后还补充说: “我从不会等到考试前一分钟才开始复习。我们应该在学习的整个过程中认真学习。 ”B与之相符,故正确。 A无原文依据; C与对话意思相反; D只是其中一个环节,但不是主要原因。 【知识模块】 听力 2 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 男士提到,所有功课在学完一周后至少要复习一次,学期中要复习一次,临考前要复习一次,由此可知,共需复习 3次功课,故正确答案是

    32、C。 【 知识模块】 听力 3 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 由对话开头可知,整个对话是由考试这个话题展开的。接着男士谈到了临考前复习的一些弊端以及如何科学合理地复习以迎接考试等。从全文来看,整个对话的主旨是如何为考试做好准备。故正确答案是 D。 【知识模块】 听力 4 【听力原文】 W: Your survey sounds very good. How many people filled it in? M: I gave out 120 copies and got 70 back. W: Thats a very high rate of return. Who did you gi

    33、ve your questionnaires to? M: I gave a copy to every student in my residence hall and a few to my friends from other colleges. W: Dont you think this might influence your survey results? M: What do you mean? W: Students in your hall of residence might be of the same age. This means that they might h

    34、ave similar opinions. In this way, your results represent only student opinion, not public opinion. M: So how are you going to do your research? W: Im going to interview my respondents in the shopping mall. If they agree, I will ask them some multiple-choice questions and note down their answers on

    35、my sheet. I will select people of different ages and attitudes, so that my sample people would be reasonably representative. M: Isnt it very difficult to ask meaningful questions using multiple choices? W: Yes, it is. I suppose your survey has the advantage of more detailed information. The secret t

    36、o writing a successful survey is to write simple questions that target at the information you are looking for. Therefore, it is better to write a lot of short specific questions than longer general ones. M: So thats why it is taking you so long to write your survey. W: Yeah, but I hope I will be rea

    37、dy to start interviewing this coming weekend. 4 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 男士说: “我给跟我住同一栋楼的学生以及我在其他学校的一些朋友每人发了一份问卷。 ”C属于前者,由此可见,正确答案是 C。 A、 B属于女士问卷调查的对象,可排除;根据男士提到的 friends from other colleges可排除 D。 【知识模块】 听力 5 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 女士说: “我会问他们一些选择题并把他们的答案记录下来。 ”可见,女士选用的问题方式是 multiple-choice questions。故 B正确。 A、 D利用某

    38、些原词 进行干扰,不符合题意; C无原文依据。 【知识模块】 听力 6 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 女士说: “我认为你的调查问卷的优势在于信息更详细。 ”由此可知,答案为 D。 【知识模块】 听力 7 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 女士提到,成功设计问卷的秘诀在于设计一些简短而具体的问题,将希望得到的信息设为目标。男士接着说 “这就是你花那么多时间设计问卷的原因了 ”。由此可知,设计简单而具体的问题需要大量的思考时间,故选 D。 【知识模块】 听力 8 【听力原文】 W: Excuse me, Mr. Smith, would you please tell me something

    39、about the American universities? I really cant decide which university to choose. M: Yes, of course. Well, there are so many universities for you to choose from. Some famous universities such as Harvard University, Yale University, University of Michigan, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology ar

    40、e really wonderful places to study in, but they are very competitive and expensive. Some smaller universities or institutes are very nice, and much cheaper. W: What should I do after I decide which university to go to? M: Well, first, you should ask for an application form. Then, you should send it

    41、in with a copy of your school records. After that, you should ask your teachers for some letters of recommendation. W: Do I need to take any tests? M: Yes, you have to take TOEFL Test, which is Test of English as a Foreign Language. W: Is it all right to apply to several universities at the same tim

    42、e? M: Sure, no problem. W: Another thing. Are foreign students allowed to work in the States? M: Yes, but only in the summer. And you need to get permission from the U.S. Office of Immigration to do that. During the school year youre not allowed to work unless the work experience is part of your sch

    43、ool program. W: Thank you. I appreciate your help. M: Youre welcome. Please feel free to ask if you have any more questions. 8 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 男士分别列举了哈佛、耶鲁、密歇根、麻省理工 4所大学。由此可知,答案为 C。 【知识模块】 听力 9 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 男士提到,女士选好学校后,需提供入学申请书 (即 A)、学习成绩复印件 (即 B)、老师的推荐信 (即 C)。只有 D(托福成绩的复印件 )未被提及,故答案为 D。对话中虽然提到女

    44、士需要通过 TOEFL Test,但没说要求提供托福成绩的复印件,由此也可选 D。 【知识模块】 听力 10 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 男士提到, (外国留学生 )在暑假且取得美国移民局许可的情况下可在美国工作。由此可知, C正确。 A的表述过于绝对,此类选项一般不会是答案,可首先排除;由录音中的 unless引出的条件可 知, B也不对; D与对话意思相反。根据常识可知。 C更合常理。 【知识模块】 听力 11 【听力原文】 Many people suffer from some form of extreme anxiety. Some experience occasional

    45、attacks of panic for no apparent reason. Others go around in a state of continual uneasiness. The usual way of controlling anxiety is with drugs, which cure none of the conditions described but do help patients manage their anxiety. Patients who take these drugs say that they are able to work, to sl

    46、eep, and to go to places they had feared to visit. But the effects of the drugs on the human body, especially on the nervous system, have been unknown. We have started a series of studies to identify the effects of the drugs on the brain and have gained some insight into the costs and benefits of th

    47、e anti-anxiety drugs. They are valuable because they can reduce the effects of anticipated failure, frustration, and disappointment. But their value demands a price. Two effects of the drugs are obviously harmful. First, they weaken a persons ability to react to changes; second, they fail to help a

    48、person deal with unexpected troubles. It is fairly sure that people will meet with problems they have never expected, so these harmful effects may make the price of anti-anxiety drugs too high. 11 【正确答案】 C 【试题解析】 短文中提到,控制焦虑的方法通常是使 用药物,故 C正确。原文明确提到,药物不能治愈病人的焦虑症状, A可排除; B、 D两项过于具体,只是使用药物后可能达到的效果,不是使用抗

    49、焦虑药物的目的,也可排除。 【知识模块】 听力 12 【正确答案】 B 【试题解析】 短文中提到这些药物无法帮助人们处理意想不到的困难, B正确。A、 D无原文依据; C与原文意思相反。 【知识模块】 听力 13 【正确答案】 D 【试题解析】 说话者既谈到了抗焦虑药物的优点,又谈到了其缺点。可见,说话者客观评价了抗焦虑药物,故 D正确。 【知识模块 】 听力 14 【听力原文】 Movies are the most popular form of entertainment for millions of Americans. They go to the movies to escape their normal everyday existence and to experience a life more exciting than their own. They may choose to see a particular film because they like the actors or because they have heard the film has a good story. But the main reason why people go t


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