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    1、湖北省黄冈中学 2010届高三下学期模拟考试(四) 其他 第二节短文写作(共 1题;满分 25分) 你校学生会准备办一期英语墙报,主题为:保护环境从我做起。请你根据下图所示写一篇英语短文。 注意: 1词数 100个左右,开头语已为你写好; 2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 What Can I Do for Our Environment? Everyone can do something for our environment. _ 答案: What Can I Do for Our Environment? Everyone can do something for our enviro

    2、nment. For me, I should try to save electricity in my daily life. For example, if I am the last person to leave the classroom in the evening, I will always remember to turn off the lights. In order to protect our forests, I will use paper wisely. I should try to use both sides of paper whenever it i

    3、s possible. I will not use things like paper cups and disposable chopsticks because they are made of wood. I believe that doing all these small things will improve our environment and help make our world a better place to live in. 第四部分书面表达(共两节,满分 40分) 第一节完成句子(共 10小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 15分) 阅读下列各小题,根据括号内的汉语

    4、提示,用句末括号里的英语单词完成句子 。 71 _(虽然这项纪录令人难忘), it fades next to the story of Armstrongs struggle against the disease.( impressive, as) 72 He _(通过考试的人) will be given the drive license.( pass) 73 Welcome to our city! You can see that our city is not_(它过去的那个样子) .( use) 74 With_(无人求助) for help in such a difficu

    5、lt situation, she burst into tears.( turn) 75 It is commonly thought that many coal mine accidents_(本来能够避免) if we had followed the strict safety rules.( avoid) 76 When _(问及他为何拒 绝) others help, the disabled young man just smiled and made no answer.( ask) 77 _(没有区别) to me which side wins or loses.( ma

    6、ke) 78 It is the protection for trees_(真正起作用), rather than how many trees are planted.( matter) 79 She seems to care about nothing, which is _(问题之所在) .( lie) 80 We had better deal with the problem now _(而不是等到明天) .( instead) 答案: 71 Impressive as the record is 72 who has passed the exam 73 what it use

    7、d to be 74 no one to turn to 75 could have been avoided 76( he was) asked why he refused 77 It makes no difference 78 that really matters 79 where the problem lies 80 instead of waiting until tomorrow 单项选择 * Someone who lacks staying power and perseverance is unlikely to _a good researcher. A make B

    8、 turn C get D grow 答案: A On the top of the mountain we saw that the scenery was very _ and we simply couldnt tear ourselves away. A eye-catching B mind-reading C heart-attacking D interest-attracting 答案: A I dont like the paintings. It doesnt _ well with the walls of the room. A fit B suit C go D ma

    9、tch 答案: C Such problems as high blood pressure and heart trouble are _ features of old age. A universal B complete C specific D absolute 答案: A Last week he was caught stealing in the supermarket, _ his age, the police have decided not to charge him. A in spite of B in view of C in exchange of D in c

    10、ase of 答案: B His parents, _, did not look after him very wellthe elbows of his jacket were patched and his boots were badly worn. A generally B adequately C personally D apparently 答案: D 第一节单项选择 (共 15小题;每小题 1分,满分 15分 ) 从 A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Customers will receive a free CD as a _ with an

    11、y order over 200 yuan in this store. A payment B bonus C cash D benefit 答案: B Take care during the holidays! Drinking too much can _ heart disease and cause high blood pressure. A contribute to B relate to C attend to D devote to 答案: A “I cant _ your rudeness any more, leave the room, ”shouted Mary.

    12、 A put up to B put up from C put up into D put up with 答案: D The man roared to his ex-wife, “You must keep in mind that I _ my son every week.” A have access to B look up to C draw attention to D belong to 答案: A 完型填空 第二节完形填空(共 20小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 30分) 阅读下列短文,从每小题的 A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Years a

    13、go a John Hopkins professor gave a group of graduate students this task: Go to the slums(平民窟) . 31 200 boys, between the ages of 12 and 16, and 32 their background and environment. Then predict their 33 for the future. The students, after 34 social statistics, talking to the boys, and collecting muc

    14、h data, 35 that 90 percent of the boy would spend some time in 36 . Twenty-five years later another group of graduate students was 37 the job of testing the 38 . They went back to the same area. Some of the boys 39 menwere still there , a few had died, some had moved away, 40 they got in touch with

    15、180 of the 41 200. They found that only four of the group had ever been sent to prison. 42 was it that these men, who had lived in a breeding place of crime, had such a 43 good record? The researchers were continually told, “Well, there was a teacher” They pressed 44 , and found that in 75 percent o

    16、f the 45 it was the same woman. The researchers went to this teacher, now living in a home for retired 46 . How had she had this remarkable influence 47 that group of children? Could she give them any reason why these boys 48 have remembered her? “No, ”she said.“No I really couldnt.”And then, 49 bac

    17、k over the years, she said musingly, more to herself than to her 50 , “I loved those boys” 31 A Take B Elect C Appoint D Mention 32 A learn B inform C study D describe 33 A careers B statuses C promises D chances 34 A checking B closing C storing D trying 35 A drew B concluded C decided D confirmed

    18、36 A hospital B prison C camp D court 37 A offered B provided C given D served 38 A result B accuracy C effect D prediction 39 A by then B so far C as usual D soon after 40 A and B so C but D then 41 A exact B considerable C mere D original 42 A What B When C Why D Where 43 A surprisingly B relative

    19、ly C similarly D undoubtedly 44 A deeper B further C higher D wider 45 A cases B samples C affairs D examples 46 A workers B teachers C professors D guards 47 A against B versus C over D through 48 A would B should C might D could 49 A calling B going C thinking D remembering 50 A students B relativ

    20、es C roommates D questioners 答案: 31 35 A C D A B 36 40 B C D A C 41 45 D C A B A 46 50 B C B C D 阅读理解 第三部分阅读理解 (共 20小题;每小题 2分,满分 40分 ) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项 (A、 B、 C和 D)中,选出最佳选项。 A After my husband died suddenly from a heart attack, my world crashed around me.My six children were all under 10, and I was

    21、 burdened with the responsibilities of earning a living, and caring for the children. I was fortunate to find a wonderful housekeeper to care for the children during the week, but from Friday nights to Monday mornings, the children and I were alone. One Friday evening I came home from work to find a

    22、 big pretty German Shepherd(牧羊犬) on our doorstep. This dog seemed to intend to enter the house. The children liked“German”immediately and begged me to let him in. I agreed to let him sleep in the basement. That night I slept peacefully for the first time in many weeks. The following morning we made

    23、phone calls and checked lost-and-found ads for Germans owner, but with no results. On Sunday I had planned to take the children on a picnic. Since I thought it best to leave German behind in case his owner came by, we drove off without him. When we stopped to get gas, we were amazed to see German ra

    24、cing to the gas station after us. No way was he going to be left behind. Monday morning I let him out for a run. He didnt come back and we were all disappointed. We were convinced that we would never see him again. We were wrong. The next Friday evening, German was back on our doorstep. Again he sta

    25、yed until Monday morning, when our housekeeper arrived. This pattern repeated itself every weekend for almost 10 months. We grew more and more fond of German. We took comfort in his strong, warm presence, and we felt safe with him near us. As German became part of the family, he considered it his du

    26、ty to check every bedroom to be sure each child was cozy in bed. Each week, between Germans visits, I grew a little stronger, a little braver and more able to handle; every weekend we were no longer alone and enjoyed his company. Then one Monday morning we patted him on the head and let him out for

    27、what turned out to be the last time. We never saw German again. 51 The dog first came to the family when _. A it was needed most B the writer became strong enough C the writer was away on a business trip D the writer was busy on the weekday 52 The family planned to go on a picnic without the German

    28、Shepherd because _. A it was too wild to control B it was too young to walk so far C the owner might come by to pick it up D it might spoil the trip 53 The writer was _ the German Shepherd. A afraid of B grateful to C cruel to D annoyed with 54 Which of the following cant be used to describe the dog

    29、? A Loyal. B Beautiful. C Lovely. D Wild. 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 C 【小题 3】 B 【小题 4】 D C Susan Sontag( 1933 2004) was one of the most noticeable figures in the world of literature. For more than 40 years she made it morally necessary to know everythingto read every book worth reading, to see every movie

    30、worth seeing. When she was still in her early 30s, publishing essays in such important magazines as Partisan Review, she appeared as the symbol of American culture life, trying hard to follow every new development in literature, film and art. With great effort and serious judgment, Sontag walked at

    31、the latest edges of world culture. Seriousness was one of Sontags lifelong watchwords(格言), but at a time when the barriers between the well-educated and the poor-educated were obvious, she argued for a true openness to the pleasure of pop culture. In“Notes Camp”, the 1964 essay that first made her n

    32、ame, she explained what was then a littleknown set of difficult understandings, through which she could not have been more famous.“Notes on Camp”, she wrote, represents“a victory ofform overcontent,beautyovermorals”. By conviction(信念) she was a sensualist(感觉论者), but by nature she was a moralist(伦理学者

    33、), and in the works she published in the 1970s and 1980s,it was the latter side of her that came forward. In“Illness as Metaphor”published in 1978, after she suffered cancershe arg ued against the idea that cancer was somehow a special problem of repressed personalities(被压抑的性格), a concept that effec

    34、tively blamed the victim for the disease. In fact, re-ex-amining old positions was her lifelong habit. In America, her story of a 19th century Polish actress who set up a perfect society in California, won the National Book Award in 2000. But it was as a tireless,all-purpose cultural view that she m

    35、ade her lasting fame. “Sometimes,”she once said, “I feel that, in the end, all I am really defendingis the idea of seriousness , of true seriousness.”And in the end, she made us take it seriously too. 59 The underlined sentence in paragraph l means Sontag _. A was a symbol of American cultural life

    36、B developed world literature, film and art C published many essays about world culture D kept pace with the newest development of world culture 60 She first won her name through_. A her story of a Polish actress B her book Illness as Metaphor C publishing essays in magazines like Partisan Review D h

    37、er explanation of a set of difficult understandings 61 Susan Sontags lasting fame was made upon_. A a tireless, all-purpose cultural view B her lifelong watchword: seriousness C publishing books on morals D enjoying books worth reading and movies worth seeing 62 From the works Susan published in the

    38、 1970s and 1980s, we can learn that _. A she was more a moralist than a sensualist B she was more a sensualist than a moralist C she believed repressed personalities mainly led to illness D she would like to re-examine old positions 答案: 【小题 1】 D 【小题 2】 D 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 A D Beyond two or three days,

    39、 the worlds best weather forecasts are doubtful, and beyond six or seven they are worthless. The Butterfly Effect is the reason. For small pieces of weatherto a global forecaster, small can mean thunderstorms and blizzards (暴风雪) any prediction becomes worse rapidly. Errors and uncertainties increase

    40、, from dust devils and storms up to continent-size eddies(旋涡) that only satellites can see. The modern weather models work with net-like points sixty miles apart, and even so, some starting data have to be guessed, since ground stations and satellites cannot see everywhere. But suppose the earth cou

    41、ld be covered with sensors placed one foot apart, rising at one-foot intervals all the way to the top of the atmosphere. Suppose every sensor gives perfectly accurate readings of temperature, pressure,humidity(温度) , and any other data a weatherman would want. Exactly at noon a powerful computer take

    42、s all the data and calculates what will happen at each point at 12.01, then 12.02, then 12.03the computer will still be unable to predict whether Princeton will have sun or rain one month away. At noon the spaces between the sensors will hide fluctuations(波动) that the computer will not know about. B

    43、y 12.01, those fluctuations will already have created small errors one foot away. Soon the errors will have added to the ten-foot scale, and so on up to the size of the globe. 63 A weather forecast _ in the world. A is reliable within one or two days B is doubtful beyond 24 hours C becomes useless b

    44、eyond two or three days D is still worthwhile in seven days 64 Usually there is a weather sub-station_. A in every city B every 60 miles C between two cities D every one foot 65 Which of the following statements is true? A People have not placed sensors one foot apart in the atmosphere. B Scientists

    45、 have already put sensors one foot apart in the world. C Every sensor gives perfectly accurate data a weatherman wants. D Ground weather stations and satellites can see every place on earth. 66 Our computer will not be able to know about fluctuations because _. A the sensors are not good enough B th

    46、ey are hidden by the spaces between the sensors C they are too far away D they move very fast 答案: 【小题 1】 A 【小题 2】 B 【小题 3】 A 【小题 4】 B E Sport is not only physically challenging, but it can also be mentally challenging. Criticism from coaches, parents, and other teammates, as well as pressure to win can create an excessive amount of anxiety or stress for young


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